Sunday, December 27, 2015

1:52 AM
Sleeping Beauty syndrome: Beth good ear suffers from a condition called klein levinson Jim. also known sleeping beauty syndrome it is a rare condition that causes a person me large amounts of sleep and checkers every one to three week during these episodes Beth complete 22 hours a day two hours that she is awake she’s groggy child the neurological condition started when she was 16 years old still battles today.

Tree Men: treme a Rumanian tree farm. I onto was diagnosed the condition PGIMER display their support yes the commission that lead would like scaling morton’s in didn’t go to such an extent homes. November 2007 an Indonesian man imitated this wire is also diagnosed disinhibition himself the title between he’s been featured on numerous documentaries as he dealt with this condition to surgery is welcome.

The elephant man: joseph merrick was born in London 1862. soon after birth he began to develop abnormal moms and space hands and hips he became incredibly deformed in that medical expert in the days they could not diagnose this condition needing to make a living Joseph joined the freak show circuit it became known as the e elephant man and died in 1890. his body was donated to research his skeleton still remains the pathology department the royal London Hospital a the real .

The real Benjamin button:  Benjamin button sam burns was diagnosed with a rare medical condition called. purgery opinions on the 22-month-old progeria causes papid aging shrinking in the face and hair loss doctors told sam’s family that he wouldn’t live past the age of 13 miraculously live past the ege of seventy his story inspired foundations dedicated to print your research which has helped save numerous lives because of Sam doctors were able to find the gene that causes progeria have developed medical treatments to help prolong lives.

The Butterfly Child: despite being almost one the butterfly child. Jonathan P trees a 14 years and suffers from a rare skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa which is a rare skin condition that cause the skin to blister in a painful way this means his skin Is exceptionally fragile and little tasks like eating walking and bathing nearly impossible because helping the conditions Jonathan can play any sports fans to were bandages every day to avoid tearing skin his become the face epidermolysis bullosa and help raise over one hundred thousand dollars to its research at the condition.

Little Giant: Little giant had a marine to different he was born into orbit 1899 died giant in 1950 news on the 18 he measured at just over for be actually be made with more however he explains the late growth spurt which put him in over seven feet by 1931 because his gigantism was bedridden most his life is believe that a pituitary tumor costly growth spurt and a condition known as acromegaly causes dramatic height differences.

Allergic to water: since the age of 14 ashley morris has been alerted to water the conditions call aqua genic critic area and Ashley is anywhere near water she will break out in a painful rash for showers can be no longer than a minute and oftentimes just ease dirty her condition is believed to be a cause a heavy penicillin treatment she received when she was younger.

The wolf man: alter histamine levels the Wolfman Fajardo a service suffers from a condition called paper to cosi which cause hair to grow basically anywhere on the body the condition is typically called where we’ll syndrome due to the amount of hair that grows in the face people who typically had this in the past would be in the feature circuit hard on his family had to leave their home town in the red in mexico due to prejudices and can’t work in the service well.

Never Stop Eating: Never stop being Lizzinie valasquez has to eat every 15 minutes in order to stay alive doctors believe that she suffers from neonatal perjured syndrome which causes accelerated anging in fat loss busy eats between 5000 and 8000 calories per day and doesn’t weigh more than sixty pounds she’s become a motivational speaker despite being called the ugliest woman in the world online Lizzie also suffers from our fan lipper just be to very rare medical condition WRs.

Double Uterus: hazel Jones joked that she had lost her virginity twice because she had a double uterus after boyfriend alerted her that she was different down a reputed 18 has a went to the doctor to find a shocking discovery she had to use a ride usually in the room two tubes fused together to make one uterus but Hazell state separate the condition has an official name a few tourist I doubt this has a motivator period are worse than what a typical female experiences


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