Thursday, September 22, 2022

3:15 AM

    In 2019 get permission from government to built power plant for generate power to grid that have location in kandal province, Lvea Em district, Koh reah commune, koh reah krom village, can export power up to 400 MW to line.

    It’s have two type engines Wartsila engine and MAN engine, Wartsila engine is product of Finland and MAN engine product of Germany.

Start from 2019 and completed around November 2020 by two company of China

1. CHMC (China National Heavy Machinery Croup.) respond on MAN side that have 11 unit can product power 200 MW. 18.56 MW per engine, 15 KV go to step up transformer to 230 KV to grid

2. CGGC (China Gezhouba Group Croup subsidiary CGGC-UN Power Co Ltd.) respond on Wartsila side that have 12 unit can product power 200 MW. 16.75 MW per engine, 15 KV go to step up transformer to 230 KV to grid.

$380 million paid for this project has commissioning, hand over and Operating by EDC.


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